Workplace Services
Carpet cleaning

Carpet cleaning

Carpets in the workplace suffer from severe wear and tear and quickly collect dust, dirt and mites. Therefore, it is especially important to take good care of them based on correct methods. Not only from a health perspective, but also because it prolongs the life of your carpets and enhances the overall impression of your workplace.

In our everyday office cleaning, of course, we also take care of your carpets, but with carpet cleaning we mean a proper deep cleaning that makes your carpet look like new again. We use everything from dry methods, to a mix of wet and dry, to steam washing. Always based on your needs, and always sustainably.

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Carpet cleaning
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Carpet wash Stockholm - clean carpets in under 24 hours*

Of course, you should have a clean and fresh carpet that contributes to a better experience both visually and also from a health perspective. If you live in the Stockholm area, we can usually come out to you on the same day, give a quote and come back the next day and wash your carpet with custom methods such as steam cleaning or dry methods that allow you to get your workplace into use faster.

Wondering what carpet cleaning costs? Calculate your price in our calculator above.

* Except for deviations due to temporary high pressure, extent and severity

We have the experience

Carpet cleaning is one of the services we perform most frequently, which means that our trained employees have a very wide range of experience and know which different techniques and methods are best applied for the best possible result. For example, we have washed the carpets at the Royal Opera House, where hundreds of thousands of visitors stay every year, and handle both large and small assignments with confidence.

We have the experience

Carpet cleaning is one of the services we perform most frequently, which means that our trained employees have a very wide range of experience and know which different techniques and methods are best applied for the best possible result. For example, we have washed the carpets at the Royal Opera House, where hundreds of thousands of visitors stay every year, and handle both large and small assignments with confidence.

The right technology and the right equipment

Our staff has solid training, works with the latest technology and with efficient and sustainable means to ensure the best results every time. Often you don't really need any chemicals to deep clean your carpets, just the right machine and the right person. You will find that person with us.

Some of our customers

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“We needed a sustainable and flexible solution that matched the flexibility of our 6-month lease for which XLNT's Workplace as a Service suited us perfectly.”
Ramin, Head of Sourcing @Samfastigheter
As we have to manage parts of our cultural and historical heritage, we place high demands on sustainability and quality at all levels. We chose XLNT Workplace because they have shown that they have the right flair, understanding and know-how.”
Allan Zoltan, Property Manager @Katarina Församling, Svenska Kyrkan
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Carpet cleaning

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Do you have questions about our cleaning services or are wondering how we can help you get your carpets clean? Or maybe you just want to talk anvils in general? We will be happy to answer your questions. Leave your details in the contact form and we will get back to you.

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