5 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Fruit at Work
Everyone knows that we Swedes are experts at drinking coffee. But when it comes to fruit, we're not quite as good. Time and time again, studies show that we eat far too little green. At the same time, eating more greens at work has never been easier. With our subscription service, you get fruit delivered directly to your workplace. Not convinced? Below we list 5 reasons why more workplaces should have fruit at work.

1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as they say. And it doesn't for nothing. In fact, fruit can help prevent several of our most common folk diseases.
Reduce the risk of dying prematurely
There is no shortage of research studies on how fruits and vegetables can, or cannot, prevent various diseases and thus help prolong our lives. A study from Imperial College London shows that enough fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of dying prematurely.
How much is enough, you wonder?
According to the study, health improves the closer you get to 800 grams - compared to not eating any fruits or vegetables at all, the study suggests that eating 200 grams a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 13 percent, while eating 800 grams of fruit and vegetables a day reduces the risk by 28 percent.
According to the study, one of the great health benefits of eating more fruit is that both our cholesterol and blood pressure are lowered. In addition, some fruits and vegetables can even reduce damage to DNA and thus reduce the risk of cancer.
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2. Increased productivity
There is also other research showing that having access to healthy snacks at work can contribute to increased productivity. The study “Impact of a Workplace Fruit Intervention on Employee Productivity: A Pilot Study” (2016) found that people who ate fruits and vegetables at work had higher levels of well-being and energy, resulting in better job performance compared to those who did not eat fruits and vegetables at work.
3. A simple and inexpensive investment in the health of your employees
“Five fist-sized portions a day”. So much fruit and vegetables, the Swedish Food Agency recommends eating to stay healthy. Translated in weight, it is about 500 grams of fruits and vegetables every day. Therefore, a daily ration can be about three fruits and two hearty handfuls of vegetables.
Exactly what fruits and vegetables you put in you are on the whole of less weight. The important thing is to get yourself the many essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, folate/folic acid, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants, such as carotenoids, all of which are found in different kinds of fruits and vegetables and that the body needs to feel good.
By offering fruit at work, we simplify the possibility of increasing the daily intake of these nutrients. Ordering a fruit basket is therefore an inexpensive way to invest in the health of your employees.
4. Increased well-being
Coffee is sacred in many workplaces. But who said that coffee must always consist of sweets? With a fruit basket at work, you increase choice, and ensure that there is an option for everyone. This does not mean that fruit needs to replace the coffee bread, but tasty fruits are an excellent addition to sweets and make your coffee table both more varied and inclusive. Win-win!
5. Personnel care benefit
An employee care benefit is a benefit of lesser value that aims to increase well-being at work. Employee care benefits are tax-free if they:
- is of lesser value
- aimed at the entire staff
- cannot be exchanged for cash
In other words, fruit baskets are a tax-free employee care benefit, which means that you as a company get to make tax deductions on the cost. In other words, something that is already cheap becomes even cheaper.
So, how does it work to order a fruit basket then?
Perhaps the biggest advantage, if you count the health benefits, of ordering a fruit basket from us is how easy it is. You simply choose the fruit basket you want, and then you're done. We'll solve the rest! Based on the desired frequency, we deliver and replace the fruit baskets at your workplace, and you only need to focus on eating tasty and healthy fruit.
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