Do you also want a sustainable workplace where everything works properly?

The sustainable choice

We are the sustainable workplace services company that makes sure everything works. For us, it is important that your workplace becomes even better when you choose us. Whether you order individual services or use us as your external Workplace department, we always deliver sustainable solutions with a focus on the work environment and employee experience.

A comer

We are one of Europe's fastest growing companies (FT 1000) and were named Di Gazelle company for the third year in a row while maintaining a retention rate of 99.39%. If you have been looking for a modern and sustainable company that lives up to its customer promise and can help you make your workplace reach its full potential, then you have found the right one.

What you can expect from us


We are the sustainable choice for a better workplace. XLNT Workplace was founded in 2014 with sustainability as the foundation for the entire business. A year later, we were the youngest company to be Svanenbranded. Sustainability permeates everything we do and together we create sustainable workplaces and environments that contribute to a more sustainable future.


Service for us means that you are satisfied and that we deliver that little extra. For that, it takes commitment. The secret to all great service is trained, committed employees who thrive. Therefore, our own workplace strategy is critical so that our employees provide you with the highest possible level of service.

High quality and services at the forefront

We want to be proud of what we do, which means that our services should be of high quality. Therefore, we take responsibility to always be at the forefront and develop our services so that you get the best service for your particular workplace. World-class workplaces also need world-class services to function.

A pleasant and sustainable workplace

The services we provide will contribute to a better working environment and overall experience of the workplace for both employees and visitors. We simplify your everyday life through flexible and modern service without compromising on sustainability.

The sustainable and smart choice

employee turnover (2021)
0 pcs
Serious incidents (2021)
Total sales (2022)
Organic growth for the period (2022)
Unique employees (2022)
Total Customer Retention (2021)
! 80
NKI (2023)
NMI (2023)
Pastel green, bright office area

XLNT is founded

XLNT Workplace was founded in 2014, under the name Naturlig Rent Sverige (NRSE), by Aria Zargarian and Björn Lundgren with sustainability as a business idea after Aria learned about CSR at university. Together they saw the need for a sustainable alternative in the cleaning industry and decided to start a cleaning company that would offer both the market and the people working in the industry a better alternative.

Start making a difference

At the time, the cleaning industry had (and probably still has) a bad reputation. When XLNT Workplace was founded, cleaners were the most common profession among foreign-born people, which meant that there were great opportunities to be able to make a difference in social sustainability by helping to integrate people into the world of work.

A sustainable milestone

XLNT Workplace aimed to be certified by Svanen because it is the strictest sustainability certification in the industry. Svanen places high demands on the entire business in all three areas of sustainability; environmental, social and business sustainability.

The swan means working systematically according to established criteria while reporting to and being checked by a third party so that there are collective agreements, for example, and that the criteria are complied with by constantly updating them.

In 2015 XLNT Workplace became the youngest company in the world to be Svanenbranded and to this day less than 1% of cleaning companies are Svanenbranded.

A good match

Thanks to the sustainable approach, our value proposition has been well matched with other companies that think and choose sustainably. Over time, customers began to demand more services for the workplace, which led to a natural evolution of XLNT's service offering.

Sustainable future

Most of the work is still done in-house, but since our customers have begun to demand more comprehensive solutions, we have created good relationships with partners who stand for the same value proposition as us; sustainability, high quality and service and who are the best at what they do.

It is very important for us that our customers feel that there is a red thread in our offer and that the idea behind having a complete supplier and a primary contact person actually works as intended.

Where we are today

XLNT Workplace continues to grow while retaining virtually all of our customers in 2021, we were one of Europe's fastest growing companies according to The Financial Times (FT 1000) with a retention rate of 99.39%. In 2022, XLNT has also completed two acquisitions of companies with a total turnover of approximately 100 million.

The match between what we stand for as a company and what our customers demand has led to close collaborations with good dialogues about how we create attractive and sustainable workplaces together.

Our Mission

By making it easy and obvious for companies to choose sustainably, we will contribute to a more sustainable future in which more people are integrated into the world of work and the impact on the environment is reduced so that we can leave behind a better environment for the next generation. We will be a partner that simplifies the everyday life of our clients, with full control over the operational as well as the strategic.

Our Vision

By becoming the obvious choice for workplaces and other environments where people stay and want to feel good, we will be able to be a bigger contributor to Sweden becoming more sustainable. We want to promote sustainability and those who choose XLNT Workplace should be proud that they make a conscious sustainable choice that has positive effects.

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Contact Us

A first contact is usually not about us trying to sell something but more about getting to know each other. Hopefully we have generated enough interest for you to want to know more and find out if we can be a good match for what you are looking for.

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Part of our amazing team

Aria Zargarian
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Damir Radosavljevic
Arbetsledare Specialjobb
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Top Dog
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Milena Zareba
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Toufiq Saifi
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Erik Olsson
Sales Executive
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Dorota Myc
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Björn Lundgren
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Darek Lubowicki
Arbetsledare Specialjobb & Leveransansvarig
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Katarina Czarnecki
Chef arbetsledning
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Weronika Geidrys
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David Rydell
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